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The Winning Lottery Formula Using Math

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Looking for a winning lottery formula? Well, mathematics remains the only sensible solution you can rely on. Here’s how to win the game—make an intelligent choice and be wrong less.
Here, you will discover logical realities derived from proven principles of probability theory, combinatorics, and the law of large numbers or LLN. I will prove everything using the actual results of the lottery. Numbers don’t lie.
So get some coffee. This article is a long one. Without further ado, let’s begin.
Table of Contents 目录

Lottery Formula And Realistic Expectations
Winning the lottery is difficult. The astronomical odds are not the only reason you are not winning. Those mistaken beliefs surrounding the lottery may have been holding you back from achieving lottery success.1
中彩票很困难。天文数字的赔率并不是您没有获胜的唯一原因。那些围绕彩票的错误信念可能会阻碍您获得彩票成功。 1
Playing the lottery is like a war. You must know the enemies, plan a strategy, and execute the attack to win the war.
No one describes it better than Sun Tzu:
The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought
Knowledge is power. So, I will introduce a lottery formula to help you understand how numbers behave in a random game like the lottery.
Lottery Games As A Form Of Gambling
Let me give you the following lottery tips.2 The lottery’s whole idea is plain and simple — you play just for fun (for a cause). You want to give it a shot at the tease of “what if” you hit the jackpot. That’s absolutely what makes a lottery game exciting.
下面就让我来给大家分享一下抽奖的技巧吧。 2彩票的整个理念简单明了——您玩彩票只是为了好玩(为了某种事业)。你想尝试一下“如果你中了大奖怎么办”的戏弄。这绝对是彩票游戏令人兴奋的原因。
If you win, great! You’re on your way to a life-changing journey. But if you lose, at least you helped your community in such a fun way.
Your losses are just the price of the entertainment, much like concert and cinema tickets are the price of a good time.
Since the lottery is just entertainment, you should only spend the money you can afford to lose. The lottery odds are designed to put you on the losing side for most draws.
You may have heard you should frequently focus on winning small ones to win the jackpot.3 This statement misleads many players. Lotto players are usually vulnerable to manipulative biases.
您可能听说过您应该经常专注于赢得小奖才能赢得头奖。 3这种说法误导了很多玩家。乐透玩家通常容易受到操纵偏见的影响。
Players get too excited about recent wins because of availability bias.4 Then, they tend to emphasize the winning instances and ignore the many instances of loss (confirmation bias).5 So, some lotto players think it’s possible to profit from winning small prizes. As a result, they fell into an illusion of control6 over the game. Humans are very susceptible to this fallacy.
由于可用性偏差,玩家对最近的胜利过于兴奋。 4然后,他们倾向于强调获胜的实例,而忽略许多失败的实例(确认偏差)。 5因此,一些乐透玩家认为可以通过赢得小奖来获利。结果,他们陷入了掌控比赛的错觉6 。人类很容易受到这种谬论的影响。
In mathematics, your odds of winning the jackpot prize are one against all the many possible ways you fail.

The equation is simply the ratio of success to failure.

For example, in a Powerball game, you get only one success against the 292 million ways you lose.7 So, no matter what guarantees someone promises you, the underlying probability never changes.
例如,在强力球游戏中,在 2.92 亿种失败方式中,您只能获得一次成功。 7因此,无论某人向你做出什么保证,潜在的概率都不会改变。
The expected value in the lottery is always negative.8 In other words, it’s never a profitable exercise.
彩票中的期望值总是负数。 8换句话说,这永远不会有利可图。
The best way to explain it is through the probability of losing.
The average probability of winning a prize in the Powerball game is 1 in 24.87. So, the probability of a single ticket not winning any prize is about 0.9598.
强力球游戏中奖的平均概率为 24.87 分之一。因此,单张彩票没有中奖的概率约为 0.9598。
P(losing) = 0.95978376792557
P(损失)= 0.95978376792557
Our calculation means that about 96 of the 100 Powerball tickets you buy will be losers. You need to buy at least 17 tickets to get a 50/50 chance of winning.9
我们的计算表明,您购买的 100 张强力球彩票中,大约有 96 张会输。您需要购买至少 17 张彩票才能获得 50/50 的中奖机会。 9
P(50/50 chance of winning any prize) = 0.959817 tickets
P(50/50 赢得任何奖品的机会) = 0.9598 17 张票
And to guarantee a 99.99% chance of winning any prize, you must buy 224 tickets. We calculate this using P(winning any prize) as the complementary of P(losing).
为了保证有 99.99% 的机会赢得奖品,您必须购买 224 张彩票。我们使用P(赢得任何奖品)作为P(失败)的补数来计算。
P(winning any prize) = 1 – 0.9598224 tickets = 0.9998
P(赢得任何奖品)= 1 – 0.9598 224 张门票= 0.9998
Unfortunately, according to the payout scheme of the Powerball game, you will most likely win $4 because the probability leans toward the lowest-tier prize.
不幸的是,根据强力球游戏的支付方案,您最有可能赢得 4 美元,因为概率倾向于最低级别的奖金。
However, despite the odds stacked against you, all hope is not lost. A lottery formula must consider randomness the key to lottery success. You should be thankful that the lottery is truly random.
What To Do As A Lotto Player?
When you consider the money you are spending on the lottery, you might as well play it right.
No amount of superstition will ever help you become a national lottery winner one bit. No super machine, artificial intelligence, or psychic phenomenon (if that even exists) will help you know the lottery’s prior results.
When a magical power doesn’t exist, mathematics remains the only tool you can use to help you pick combinations with a closer shot to the jackpot prize.
However, the most important thing to consider is your ability to handle knowledge responsibly. As Uncle Ben said, with power comes great responsibility. Just because a certain strategy works for you doesn’t mean you have the power to manipulate odds. Ensure that you don’t develop this illusion of control.10
然而,最重要的是要考虑你负责任地处理知识的能力。正如本叔叔所说,权力越大,责任越大。仅仅因为某个策略对您有效并不意味着您有能力操纵赔率。确保你不会产生这种控制错觉。 10
In short, have fun, but play responsibly.11
简而言之,玩得开心,但要负责任。 11
In the name of transparency, I don’t play the lottery. I know your next question will be, why should you listen to me?
As a computer programmer and a stock market investor, I have learned from my profession how important math is in decision-making.
It piqued my curiosity to apply math to it and see what works. I use various mathematical methods to analyze the lottery, and I don’t need to be a lottery player to prove my point. With the lottery’s randomness, creating a lottery formula that will help you win the game is possible.12
它激起了我的好奇心,想将数学应用到其中,看看有什么作用。我用各种数学方法来分析彩票,而且我不需要成为彩票玩家来证明我的观点。由于彩票的随机性,创建一个帮助您赢得游戏的彩票公式是可能的。 12
I am just basically sharing the results of my research.
The good thing about mathematics is that we can prove if a lottery formula works by comparing mathematical theory with historical results.
Numbers, Combination, And The Difference
Numbers and combinations are two different terms.
A number refers to an individual ball in the lottery. Conversely, a combination is a selection of numbers that, when put together, form a specific composition.
You cannot win a lottery game with just a number. You have to combine numbers to win.
For example, 3,15, 27, 39, 41, and 49 are different numbers. But they form the combination 3-15-27-39-41-49, perfectly describing a 6-odd composition.
例如,3、15、27、39、41 和 49 是不同的数字。但它们形成了组合 3-15-27-39-41-49,完美地描述了 6 奇数的组合。
The following are some examples of combinations:

When playing a lottery game, you can choose any number you like—even those you consider unlucky.
But you have to choose 5 or 6 numbers to make a combination to purchase a legitimate ticket.
All Numbers Have An Equal Probability.
Mathematically speaking, hot and cold numbers don’t exist.
You will notice that some numbers tend to be drawn more frequently in a few draws. However, as the number of draws increases, all the balls tend to even out. Then, some of the numbers left behind catch up later on.
This event is described in mathematics as the law of large numbers13 or LLN. The law means that the frequency of each ball tends to get closer and closer as more draws take place.
这一事件在数学中被描述为大数定律13或 LLN。该定律意味着,随着抽签次数的增加,每个球的出现频率往往会越来越接近。
To illustrate, let’s look at the actual results from the Canada Lotto 6/49 From 1982 to 2018.
为了说明这一点,让我们看一下 1982 年至 2018 年加拿大乐透 6/49 的实际结果。

The table shows the frequency of 10 balls (1,6,11,15,18,22,28,35,42,49) taken from 36 years of actual data.
该表显示了取自 36 年实际数据的 10 个球(1、6、11、15、18、22、28、35、42、49)的频率。
In the initial 30 draws, you can see the huge gap between numbers 18 and 49. You will notice the same thing with other numbers as well.
在最初的 30 期抽奖中,​​您可以看到号码 18 和 49 之间存在巨大差距。您也会注意到其他号码也有同样的情况。
Here’s a pie graph to show the huge difference in frequencies in the first 30 draws of the Canada Lotto 6/49.
下面的饼图显示了加拿大乐透 6/49 前 30 次抽奖频率的巨大差异。

Numbers 11, 18, 28, and 35 get the lion’s share of the pie.
11、18、28 和 35 号占据了最大份额。
As the lottery draws occur, those less frequently appearing numbers start to catch up. The pie graph below shows the improvement of other numbers in 50 draws.
随着彩票抽奖的进行,那些不常出现的号码开始迎头赶上。下面的饼图显示了 50 次抽奖中其他号码的改进情况。

In 100 draws, numbers were starting to even out.
在 100 场抽签中,数字开始持平。

The frequency balances out as draws continue to 500 draws.
当抽奖持续到 500 次时,频率就会平衡。

And the frequency continues to get closer and closer in 1000 draws.

Fast forward to 2018, the pie graph continues to show no bias at all.
快进到 2018 年,饼图仍然没有显示出任何偏差。

The last pie graph proves that all the numbers in the lottery have the same probability.
Notice that we don’t include all the balls in the pie graph because of a lack of space. But if we have to get the frequency of all the 49 balls in the 3688 actual draws, the graph should look like the one below:
请注意,由于空间不足,我们并未将所有球都包含在饼图中。但如果我们要得到 3688 次实际抽奖中所有 49 个球的出现频率,图表应该如下所示:

It’s beautiful! Isn’t it?
The graph proves that all numbers have a fair chance of getting drawn. In other words, there are no lucky and unlucky numbers.
Now, if lucky, hot, and cold numbers don’t help, what does?
It’s the combination. 这就是组合。
The way you combine numbers is the key to your lottery success.14
组合号码的方式是您彩票成功的关键。 14
The Existence Of A Lottery Formula And The Great Lottery Misconception
All combinations in the lottery have an equal probability of getting drawn because there’s only one way to win the jackpot. So, does that mean 5-10-15-20-25-30 is equally likely? Well, yes. That’s because, theoretically:
彩票中的所有组合都有相同的中奖概率,因为只有一种方法可以赢得头奖。那么,这是否意味着 5-10-15-20-25-30 的可能性相同?嗯,是的。这是因为,理论上:

The same calculation applies to 1-2-3-4-5-6 or 2-4-6-8-10-12.
相同的计算适用于 1-2-3-4-5-6 或 2-4-6-8-10-12。
Consequently, many players and experts believe the lottery has no bias; therefore, it doesn’t matter what combination you use.
That belief must be corrected.
Let me explain. 让我解释一下。
Are you willing to bet your money on a ticket with 5-10-15-20-25-30 or the 37-38-39-40-41-42 ticket?
您愿意将钱押在 5-10-15-20-25-30 或 37-38-39-40-41-42 的彩票上吗?
You’ll probably answer, “No way.”
But here’s the thing: if you stand up firmly and say those combinations are as likely as any other in the lottery, why worry?
Is it because a gut feeling is much stronger than logic?
Will you trust your “gut” or your “logic?”
Either you don’t trust your calculation, or your understanding of probability is based on a weak foundation.15
要么你不相信你的计算,要么你对概率的理解基础薄弱。 15
A strategy based on a “gut feeling” should be supported by mathematical reasoning.16
基于“直觉”的策略应该得到数学推理的支持。 16
In mathematics, all these seemingly “weird and surprising” events are bound to occur17 because a random lottery must follow the dictate of LTLN or the law of truly large numbers.18
在数学中,所有这些看似“奇怪和令人惊讶”的事件都必然会发生17,因为随机抽奖必须遵循 LTLN 或真正大数定律的规定。 18
So while the combination 1-2-3-4-5-6 is possible to occur, understand that your ability to win the jackpot is crippled because you need the miracle of LTLN to get a favorable shot.
因此,虽然 1-2-3-4-5-6 组合有可能出现,但要明白,您赢得头奖的能力会受到削弱,因为您需要 LTLN 的奇迹才能获得有利的机会。
You don’t want to be wrong like this. You can’t create a lottery formula with intuition.
The truth is that thousands of unusual combinations exist in your game, and you probably spent your money on one of them.
It’s best to know why things happen and why things don’t.
As you proceed below, I will explain this gut feeling thing mathematically.
A Lottery Formula Exists Because Combinations Are Not Created Equally
You have to understand that a combination is a composition of numbers.
And composition matters. 构图很重要。
We can separate the dominant composition using probability theory and combinatorial mathematics. An effective lottery formula should be based primarily on these two mathematical tools, and we can safely disregard statistics.
Below are examples of composition in a lotto 6/49 system.
以下是乐透 6/49 系统中的组合示例。

If we want to know how these two groups will occur in 1000 draws, we only need to multiply this number by the corresponding probability.
如果我们想知道这两组在 1000 次抽奖中会如何出现,我们只需要把这个数字乘以相应的概率即可。

As you see, 3-odd-3-even combinations occur more frequently than 6-even combinations.
正如您所看到的,3-奇-3-偶组合比 6-偶组合出现的频率更高。
The two combinatorial groups don’t perform the same way. The variation in composition plays a vital role in their expected frequency.
This variation in composition provides varying success-to-failure ratios.
What Is A Success-To-Failure Ratio?
It’s easy to answer that question if we understand that odds and probability are two different terms with two different equations.19
如果我们理解赔率和概率是具有两个不同方程的两个不同术语,那么回答这个问题就很容易了。 19

Probability measures the likelihood of an event, while the odds refer to the ratio of success to failure. Consequently, odds and probability are not mathematically equivalent.20
概率衡量事件发生的可能性,而赔率则指成功与失败的比率。因此,赔率和概率在数学上并不等同。 20

Simply put, we don’t have control over the probability of winning. But we have the power to choose better odds. For example, between a 5/32 game and a 6/49 game, the verdict is clear that the former is way more favorable. Thus, your choice must lean towards playing the game that offers an easier route to lottery success.
简而言之,我们无法控制获胜的概率。但我们有能力选择更好的赔率。例如,在 5/32 游戏和 6/49 游戏之间,结论很明显前者更有利。因此,您的选择必须倾向于玩能够更轻松地获得彩票成功的游戏。
So, the key strategy lies in choosing a better success-to-failure ratio.
However, when a bigger jackpot prize forces you to choose a much bigger lottery game, the strategy shifts into a more granular analysis of the game’s combinatorial composition.
For example, in a 6/49 game, there are 4,655,200 ways to combine 3-odd-3-even combinations. This composition will give you a 1:2 advantage, meaning that in 3 attempts, you get one best shot and two unfavorable shots.
例如,在 6/49 游戏中,有 4,655,200 种组合 3-奇-3-偶组合的方法。这种构图将为您带来 1:2 的优势,这意味着在 3 次尝试中,您将获得一次最佳击球和两次不利击球。

That means that for every 100 attempts you play, approximately 33 shots are closer to match the winning combination.
这意味着您每进行 100 次尝试,大约有 33 次击球更接近获胜组合。
In comparison, 6-even combinations will give you nine favorable shots in 1000 draws. That means if you play 2-4-6-8-10-12 in 104 attempts, expect only one best shot, and 103 of those attempts are unfavorable.
相比之下,6-偶组合将为您在 1000 次抽牌中带来 9 次有利的机会。这意味着,如果您在 104 次尝试中打出 2-4-6-8-10-12 阵型,预计只有一次最佳击球,而其中 103 次尝试都是不利的。

As a lotto player, I don’t think you will be willing to spend money on a 6-even composition only to give yourself one closer shot and put away the rest of your play money down the drain for most of the draws.
作为一名乐透玩家,我认为您不会愿意花钱购买 6 个偶数的组合,只是为了给自己一次更接近的机会,并在大多数抽奖中将剩余的游戏资金付诸东流。
Let me compare the two compositions side by side:
6-even-combination 6-偶数组合
3-odd-3-even-combination 3奇3偶组合
134,596 favorable shots 134,596 次好评
4,655,200 favorable shots
4,655,200 次好评
13,849,220 ways to fail 13,849,220种失败的方式
9,328,616 ways to fail 9,328,616 种失败的方式
1 closer shot out of 104 attempts
104 次近距离射门中有 1 次
33 closer shots out of 100 attempts
100 次近距离尝试中 33 次
The table indicates that the 3-odd-3-even composition is the dominant group based on its success-to-failure ratio.
该表表明,根据其成功与失败比率,3 奇 3 偶组合是主导组。
Imagine two lottery players participating in 2,080 draws over 20 years. One player purchases tickets that give him a 1:2 success-to-failure ratio, while another player buys tickets with a 1:103 success-to-failure ratio. The difference in their ratios is significant because over a span of 20 years, the first player gets 693 best shots, while the other player gets only 20 best shots, and failing on 2,060 tickets.
想象一下,两名彩票玩家在 20 年内参加了 2,080 次抽奖。一名玩家购买的门票的成功与失败的比例为 1:2,而另一名玩家购买的门票的成功与失败的比例为 1:103。他们的比率差异很大,因为在 20 年的时间里,第一名球员获得了 693 次最佳击球,而另一名球员仅获得了 20 次最佳击球,并有 2,060 张罚单失败。

As you can see, a lottery formula is all about choosing a better success-to-failure ratio. You need this strategy to know how many ways you can get favorable shots and be wrong less for most draws.

You cannot change the underlying probability, and you cannot beat the lottery’s odds, but you have the power to be wrong less. Simply put, getting the best shot possible is all about picking a composition with closer shots. This strategy is better done using the success-to-failure ratio as your guide for making informed choices.

Low/High Combinatorial Analysis
Of course, aside from odd and even numbers, the lottery’s number field can be grouped into low and high. Let’s group 49 numbers into two sets:
当然,除了单数和双数之外,彩票的号码字段还可以分为低位和高位。让我们将 49 个数字分为两组:
Low = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25}
低 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 ,25}
High = {26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49}
高 = {26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49 }
A random lottery game spreads the probability fairly across the entire number field. Thus, most winning combinations consist of 3 numbers from the lower and three from the higher set.
随机彩票游戏将概率公平地分布在整个数字域中。因此,大多数获胜组合由较低组中的 3 个号码和较高组中的 3 个号码组成。
It’s rare to see a winning combination of purely low or purely high numbers because the probability cannot be biased toward a certain set.
Consequently, the 3-low-3-high composition dominates lottery draws. Therefore, lotto players must focus on this dominant group to get a closer shot.
Below are the tables showing all the groups we can produce from the two sets.
Dominant Groups 主导群体

Occasional Groups 偶尔的团体

Uncommon 罕见

Actual Draws Versus Theoretical Calculation
Theoretical calculation and lottery results agree that combinatorial groups are not created equally. Some are dominant, and some rarely occur.
Take a look at the following tables below:
Australian Saturday Lotto
949 draws from January 7, 2006, to March 16, 2024

U.S Powerball 美国强力球
1,008 draws from October 7, 2015, to March 16, 2024

Note: Our statistical analysis of the Powerball game must start on October 7, 2015, when lottery officials began implementing the 5/69 format.21
注:我们对强力球游戏的统计分析必须从 2015 年 10 月 7 日开始,当时彩票官员开始实施 5/69 格式。 21
Euro Millions 百万欧元
1,705 draws from April 16, 2004 to March 15, 2024

Euro Jackpot 欧元大奖
728 draws from March 23, 2012, to March 15, 2024

Irish Lotto 爱尔兰乐透
890 draws from September 5, 2015, to March 16, 2024

U.S. Mega Millions 美国百万富翁
628 draws from October 31, 2017, to March 8, 2024

Note: Our analysis of the U.S. Mega Millions must start on October 31, 2017, when lottery officials began implementing the 5/70 format.21
注意:我们对美国百万富翁的分析必须从 2017 年 10 月 31 日开始,当时彩票官员开始实施 5/70 格式。 21
UK Lottery 英国彩票
876 draws from October 10, 2015, to March 16, 2024

A Lottery Formula Using A Lottery Wheel
It’s time to level up your playing strategy.
The only way to win the lottery is to purchase many tickets.
For example, in a 6/49 lottery game, one ticket has 1 in 14 million chances. You can improve this when you purchase two tickets, increasing your probability to 1 in 7 million.
例如,在 6/49 彩票游戏中,一张彩票有 1400 万分之一的机会。当您购买两张票时,您可以改进这一点,将您的概率增加到七百万分之一。
If you buy 10 tickets, your probability will improve to 1 in 1.4 million.
如果您购买 10 张彩票,您的概率将提高到 140 万分之一。
When buying more tickets, there are two ways to implement this strategy:
  • Buying tickets randomly: In this method, we pick combinations randomly. An example of this is through the use of a quick pick machine.
  • Buying tickets strategically: This method cleverly uses a lottery wheel to trap the winning numbers mathematically through the concept of “covering.”22
    策略性买票:这种方法巧妙地利用彩票轮盘,通过“覆盖”的概念,以数学方式捕获中奖号码。 22
As a lottery player, you should use the latter method mainly because it is a mathematical approach, as “covering” is a powerful strategy under combinatorics.
In the study of combinatorics, we select elements from a set of objects.23 In the context of a lottery game, we select combinations from a set of numbers.
在组合学的研究中,我们从一组对象中选择元素。 23在彩票游戏中,我们从一组数字中选择组合。
For example, in a 5/32 lottery game, you may select a set of seven numbers instead of the usual five numbers. A lottery wheel will generate all possible five-number combinations from the set, giving you a probability of 1 in 9,589 instead of the usual 1 in 201,376.
例如,在 5/32 彩票游戏中,您可以选择一组七个数字,而不是通常的五个数字。彩票轮盘将从该组中生成所有可能的五位数组合,为您提供 9,589 分之一的概率,而不是通常的 201,376 分之一。
Intuitively, it’s easier to trap four winning numbers with a set of seven numbers, right? In this case, you may win multiple three or four matches on several combinations and possibly win the jackpot.
However, a lottery wheel can be an expensive strategy.
Increasing your set of numbers means buying more combinations to cover all possible outcomes. For example, choosing ten numbers will produce 252 combinations. The combinations will increase very quickly to 792 if you choose 12 numbers.
增加数字组意味着购买更多组合以涵盖所有可能的结果。例如,选择 10 个数字将产生 252 种组合。如果您选择 12 个号码,组合将很快增加到 792 个。
To make this covering strategy somewhat affordable, you can use an abbreviated wheel, which allows you to play ten lines instead of 252 lines.
为了使这种覆盖策略稍微实惠,您可以使用缩写轮盘,它允许您玩 10 行而不是 252 行。
However, an ugly truth about using an abbreviated wheel is that you end up with combinations with very low success-to-failure ratios. There’s no point in using an abbreviated lottery wheel when your chances of winning decrease.
So, with covering strategy, you are faced with a dilemma.
If you use the full wheel, you will run out of budget. If you use the abbreviated version, you will gain little success.
Fortunately, there’s a solution.
Enter the Lotterycodex calculator, the only lottery wheel that combines combinatorics and probability theory in a single system. It analyzes elements in a set, generates all possible outcomes, and separates combinatorial groups based on their success-to-failure ratios, allowing you to play with a mathematical advantage.
输入Lotterycodex 计算器,这是唯一将组合学和概率论结合在单个系统中的彩票轮盘。它分析集合中的元素,生成所有可能的结果,并根据成功与失败的比率分离组合组,让您发挥数学优势。
Again, Lotterycodex reinforces the importance of the success-to-failure ratio when buying lottery tickets, especially in bulk.
Lotterycodex 再次强调了购买彩票(尤其是批量购买彩票)时成功与失败比率的重要性。
A lottery wheel is designed to help you strategically trap the winning numbers. Using Lotterycodex as your lottery wheel increases your playing strategy by intelligently choosing combinations.
彩票轮盘旨在帮助您有策略地捕获中奖号码。使用 Lotterycodex 作为您的彩票轮盘可以通过智能地选择组合来增加您的游戏策略。
The Lotterycodex Calculator: Making The Lottery Wheel Works For Everyone
Lotterycodex 计算器:让彩票轮盘适合所有人
Your job as a lotto player is to win the big jackpot and not just get a small prize.
However, achieving such a goal using the abbreviated system isn’t easy, and it’s expensive when you choose the full-wheeling system.
The solution is to find your way in the middle, where you play at a minimal cost and with a better success-to-failure ratio of winning the jackpot prize (not just the lower-tier prizes).
The Lotterycodex calculator was created to make it easier for everyone. It combines the power of combinatorics and probability theory in one system.
Lotterycodex 计算器的创建是为了让每个人都更容易。它将组合学和概率论的力量结合在一个系统中。
Not everyone is a math prodigy, so a calculator is a nice thing to have. But even if you understand the lottery formula, you will want a calculator to avoid the tedious calculation process.
To use the calculator, you will be asked to choose numbers. The calculator will then list all possible compositions from your selection.
Then, using the probability theory, the calculator will separate the dominant combinations, making it easy for you to pick selections. Now, you won’t spend money on those combinations that rarely occur in a draw.
That’s how it works. The Lotterycodex calculator can predict the combinations dominating lottery draws over time. And you don’t need to analyze the lottery’s historical draw results.
这就是它的工作原理。 Lotterycodex 计算器可以预测随着时间的推移主导彩票抽奖的组合。而且您不需要分析彩票的历史开奖结果。
The calculator is designed carefully, so you only need to point and click, and a list of combinations will be ready for download. Generating combinations can’t get any easier than that.
How Can Lotteryodex Help You Get The Best Shot?
Lotteryodex 如何帮助您获得最佳机会?
Combinations are divided into distinct combinatorial templates. These templates are ranked according to their corresponding success-to-failure ratio.
To illustrate, here’s an example of a set of 20 numbers for a 5/32 game.
为了说明这一点,下面是 5/32 游戏的一组 20 个数字的示例。

These 20 numbers have produced 65 winning combinations in 8 years in the Idaho Weekly Grand 5/32 game from February 1, 2012, to July 31, 2019.

According to Lotterycodex calculation, the following combinatorial templates will dominate the list:
根据 Lotterycodex 计算,以下组合模板将在列表中占据主导地位:
Template #1 模板#1
Template #2 模板#2
Template #3 模板#3
Template #4 模板#4
And indeed, the math does not lie.
According to the law of large numbers, the actual lottery results must follow the dictate of probability theory.
As the Idaho Weekly Grand 5/32 draws continue, expect these four templates to dominate the draws.
随着爱达荷州每周大奖赛 5/32 抽签的继续,预计这四个模板将在抽签中占据主导地位。
Indeed, in the actual draws of the Idaho Weekly Grand, the results are dominated by templates #1, #2, #3, and #4.
事实上,在爱达荷州每周大奖赛的实际抽签中,结果以模板#1、#2、#3 和#4 为主。
Here’s the summary of how the first four templates dominated most draws.

The calculator will tell you accurately and precisely what combinatorial templates will dominate your game. And you don’t need to analyze the previous lottery results to make this kind of high-precision, high-accuracy prediction.
That’s the power of a lottery formula with the right mathematical tool.
You might wonder how Lotterycodex separates the dominant group from any lottery game. Stay tuned because that’s precisely the question we’ll discuss next.
您可能想知道 Lotterycodex 如何将主流群体与任何彩票游戏区分开来。请继续关注,因为这正是我们接下来要讨论的问题。
The Best Lotto Numbers To Pick
When selecting numbers, your first step should not be seeking the “best lotto numbers.” Take your time to familiarize yourself with all the combinatorial groups in your lottery game and understand the success-to-failure ratios associated with each.
I know some lotto gurus online recommend that you target the small prizes and win more frequently until you hit the jackpot.3 I have explained how this method misleads you into thinking that you’re winning when you’re not. That’s not how the lottery works.24
我知道一些在线乐透专家建议您瞄准小奖并更频繁地获胜,直到您中大奖。 3我已经解释了这种方法如何误导您,让您认为自己赢了,而实际上却没有赢。彩票不是这样运作的。 24
If you aim to win small prizes frequently, this free guide is not for you. Please stop reading right now and go somewhere else.
The only responsible way to play the lottery is to “save money” and do your best to “hit” the jackpot.
Now, to win the jackpot, you want the best shot possible. Getting your best shot means getting closer to the dominant composition and being wrong less for most draws.
As a lotto player, your job is to make an intelligent choice.
Your best shot is to pick your combination from the dominant group. This will provide you with the highest ratio of success to failure and put you closer to matching the winning combination.
These dominant groups exist, and the evidence is that the lottery obeys the dictates of probability and the law of large numbers, or LLN.
What Is The Law Of Large Numbers?
Wikipedia defines LLN this way:
维基百科是这样定义 LLN 的:
In probability theory, the law of large numbers (LLN) is a theorem that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. According to the law, the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to the expected value and will tend to become closer as more trials are performed.13
在概率论中,大数定律 (LLN) 是描述多次执行相同实验的结果的定理。根据规律,大量试验得到的结果的平均值应该接近预期值,并且随着试验次数的增加,结果会趋于接近预期值。 13
This only means that each group will occur very close to the frequency dictated by its probability.
My lottery studies show undeniable agreement between actual lotto results and probability estimation. The agreement between the actual statistics and theoretical calculation proves that the lottery follows the law of large numbers.
How Does Lotterycodex Determine These Dominant Groups
Lotterycodex 如何确定这些主导群体
Earlier on, I emphasized the benefits of using combinatorics. However, combinatorics is not enough. Completing the lottery formula requires additional support from another branch of mathematics; this is where probability theory can help.
What is probability? 什么是概率?
Probability is the branch of mathematics that determines how events will likely occur.25
概率是数学的一个分支,它决定事件可能如何发生。 25
Combinatorics and probability give us an ultimate lottery formula for getting the best shot possible.26
组合学和概率为我们提供了获得最佳机会的终极彩票公式。 26
To begin with, we need the right process.
For example, the 1-2-3-4-5-6 line is dominant if we base our conclusions on the odd-even analysis. However, that conclusion is far from the truth because, according to the low/high analysis, such a line has a terrible success-to-failure ratio.
例如,如果我们的结论基于奇偶分析,则 1-2-3-4-5-6 线占主导地位。然而,这个结论与事实相去甚远,因为根据低/高分析,这样的路线具有可怕的成功与失败比。
The contradiction between low/high and odd/even analysis reinforces that something is wrong.
The solution to this contradiction is to combine the two analyses. We integrate low/high and odd/even in one combinatorial and probability analysis.
Let’s use the 5/24 lottery system to illustrate the process. We divide the 24 numbers into low and high sets.
让我们使用 5/24 抽奖系统来说明该过程。我们将 24 个数字分为低组和高组。
Then, we further divide the two sets into their corresponding odd and even sets.
Below is what the Lotterycodex combinatorial sets look like for a 5/24 game:
下面是 5/24 游戏的 Lotterycodex 组合集的样子:

Those four sets are all we need to execute the lottery formula and produce the corresponding combinatorial templates. Then, we can separate the dominant combinations.
Lotterycodex Templates: A Simplified Approach To Complex Lottery Formula
Lotterycodex 模板:复杂彩票公式的简化方法
The results of our combinatorial calculations are what we call Lotterycodex templates. You will use these templates as your guide for number selection. Of course, your goal is to win the jackpot, and therefore, mathematically speaking, you should choose the dominant group to get the best shot possible.
我们的组合计算结果就是我们所说的 Lotterycodex 模板。您将使用这些模板作为号码选择的指南。当然,你的目标是赢得头奖,因此,从数学上来说,你应该选择占主导地位的群体以获得尽可能最好的机会。
For example, a template can be like 1-low-odd, 2-high-odd, and 2-high-even numbers. Knowing the composition of the combination is crucial in calculating probability, which is why Lotterycodex templates are so useful.
例如,模板可以是 1-低奇数、2-高奇数和 2-高偶数。了解组合的组成对于计算概率至关重要,这就是 Lotterycodex 模板如此有用的原因。
For example, the line 1,2,3,4,5 combination has the following composition:
例如,第 1,2,3,4,5 行组合具有以下组成:

Notice that this template has three numbers from the low-odd set and two from the low-even set. Of course, 1,2,3,4,5 shares the same composition as other combinations. The following combinations are all under the same template as 1,2,3,4,5:
  • 1-7-9-4-10
  • 3-5-7-2-6
  • 1-5-9-8-12
  • 1-9-11-2-10
  • 3-7-11-4-8
All combinations under this template exhibit a probability value of 0.0070581592.
该模板下的所有组合的概率值为 0.0070581592。
In simple terms, the template only occurs about seven times in 1000 draws.
简单来说,该模板在 1000 次抽奖中仅出现约 7 次。
(3-low-odd and 2-low-even) = 1000 x 0.0070581592 = 7.0581592
( 3-低奇数和 2-低偶数) = 1000 x 0.0070581592 = 7.0581592
If you play the above combinations, expect your ability to hit the jackpot only around seven times every 1000 attempts.
如果您玩上述组合,预计每 1000 次尝试中您只能中大约 7 次大奖。
Remember this: As a lotto player, you don’t want to spend your money 1000 times to get seven favorable shots. This is not your best shot.
请记住这一点:作为一名乐透玩家,您不想花 1000 倍的钱来获得 7 个有利的机会。这不是你最好的机会。
Do you want proof? 你想要证据吗?
Go to any 5/24 lotto game and check the previous results. You will see that a composition of 3-low-odd and 2-low-even occurs approximately seven times in 1000 draws. The actual frequency may not be exact, but notice the closeness in value. That’s how a random lottery obeys the dictate of probability.
前往任何 5/24 乐透游戏并查看之前的结果。您将看到 3-低奇数和 2-低偶数的组合在 1000 次抽奖中大约出现七次。实际频率可能不准确,但请注意值的接近程度。这就是随机彩票遵循概率的方式。
That’s the trick of a lottery formula based on combinatorics and probability. They work together.
Why do they work? Because mathematics is all about precision and accuracy.
You have probably heard many lotto gurus suggest that you avoid the 1-2-3-4-5 combination with a sensible explanation, except that they cannot justify their opinion with calculation.
您可能听过许多乐透大师建议您避免使用 1-2-3-4-5 组合并给出合理的解释,但他们无法通过计算来证明自己的观点是正确的。
It is probably your first time understanding why a straight combination is such a bad idea from a mathematical perspective.
In a 5/24 lotto game, some templates have a probability value of 0.0001411632. This group only occurs once in 10,000 draws.
在 5/24 乐透游戏中,某些模板的概率值为 0.0001411632。该组仅在一万次抽奖中出现一次。
If you have been playing a 5/24 game for many years now, chances are you have been playing combinations under the uncommon or occasional group—and you aren’t even aware of it.
如果您已经玩 5/24 游戏很多年了,那么您很可能一直在不常见或偶尔的组下玩组合,而您甚至没有意识到这一点。
Using The Lottery Formula Of Lotterycodex
使用 Lotterycodex 的彩票公式
A 5/24 lottery game has 42,504 unique playable combinations. Based on the Lotterycodex calculation, it has 56 templates.
5/24 彩票游戏有 42,504 种独特的可玩组合。根据Lotterycodex计算,它有56个模板。
Of the 56 templates, 4 have the highest success-to-failure ratio. According to the law of large numbers, these dominant templates are bound to happen more frequently and will continue to dominate other templates as draw data gets larger and larger.
在 56 个模板中,有 4 个模板的成功失败率最高。根据大数定律,这些主导模板必然会更频繁地发生,并且随着绘制数据越来越大,它们将继续主导其他模板。
If you want to win the 5/24 game, you should know that your focus should be on templates #1, #2, #3, and #4.
如果您想赢得 5/24 游戏,您应该知道您的重点应该放在模板 #1、#2、#3 和 #4 上。
Lotterycodex Templates For A 6/49 Lotto Game
6/49 乐透游戏的 Lotterycodex 模板
In a 6/49 game, you can choose from 84 templates. Only three are the dominant ones.
在 6/49 游戏中,您可以从 84 个模板中进行选择。占据主导地位的只有三个。

Lotterycodex Templates For A 7/50 Lotto Game
7/50 乐透游戏的 Lotterycodex 模板
If you are a 7/50 lotto player, you should know that only 2 of 120 templates are dominant.
如果您是 7/50 乐透玩家,您应该知道 120 个模板中只有 2 个占主导地位。
Lotterycodex Templates For Other Lotto Games
其他乐透游戏的 Lotterycodex 模板
Combinatorial and probability calculations can be quite complex. Also, the results of probability calculations are always different depending on the lottery format.
There’s no one-size-fits-all calculator. Be sure to use the right one for your favorite game.
If your favorite game is 6/49, then use the 6/49 calculator.
如果您最喜欢的游戏是 6/49,那么请使用 6/49 计算器。
Sometimes, a lotto system has one or two extra balls or bonus numbers. We don’t include the additional number in the probability calculation because it is not mathematically practical.
For example, if your game is the Euro Millions or the Euro Jackpot, you pick five numbers from 50 plus two extra balls. Your calculator should be the 5/50 calculator. You don’t count the two extra balls.
例如,如果您的游戏是欧洲百万大奖或欧洲大奖,您可以从 50 个号码中选择 5 个号码,外加两个额外的球。您的计算器应该是 5/50 计算器。你没有数那两个额外的球。
The right calculator for the US Powerball is the 5/69 calculator.
美国强力球的正确计算器是 5/69 计算器。
For the Mega Millions, you pick the 5/70 calculator.
对于百万富翁,您选择 5/70 计算器。
For Canada Lotto 6/49, you pick the 6/49 calculator.
对于加拿大乐透 6/49,您选择 6/49 计算器。
Whatever your lotto is, always use the right calculator for your game.
The clue is simple. Know the primary numbers in your game, and don’t count the extra ball.

If you are ready to see the Lotterycodex templates of your favorite lotto game, here is the complete list of Lotterycodex calculators for your perusal.
如果您准备好查看您最喜欢的乐透游戏的 Lotterycodex 模板,这里是Lotterycodex 计算器的完整列表供您细读。

Win The Lottery With The Right Lottery Formula
To win the jackpot, it doesn’t matter what individual numbers you choose to play the lottery. You can play those so-called unlucky numbers because the lottery doesn’t care whether they are true.
You can play special dates or birthdates if you understand how the lottery formula works.
The secret is understanding combinatorial math and probability theory.14 However, combinatorics and probability are difficult subjects, so a Lotterycodex calculator will help you navigate these complexities. You don’t need a math degree to win the lottery.
秘诀在于理解组合数学和概率论。 14然而,组合学和概率是困难的科目,因此 Lotterycodex 计算器将帮助您解决这些复杂问题。你不需要数学学位就能中彩票。
I have important reminders, though.
The lottery may be cheaper than any other form of gambling, but it might lead you to a lottery addiction if you are not careful.27
彩票可能比任何其他形式的赌博都便宜,但如果您不小心,它可能会导致您沉迷于彩票成瘾。 27
Ultimately, the budget will dictate how many lines you can play. Remember that winning in the lottery takes a long streak of losses. Setting a specific goal and implementing it with money-saving habits is essential.


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